Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll premieres tonight on FX and it’s definitely worth checking out. Don’t be fooled into thinking this is just another run-of-the-mill show about musicians and their excesses. This series has heart and features Denis Leary at his finest. If that doesn’t speak to you then I’ll add that Flash is pretty damn hot. Come for the Leary and stay for the Corbett. Seriously, you can’t miss the series premiere of Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll tonight at 10/9c on FX.
Denis Leary brings Johnny Rock to life in his hilarious new series. I feel like this show should come with a warning label that clearly states what will happen to you when you watch it. Your addiction begins tonight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I set out to only watch the pilot, but ended up watching all five episodes that were sent to me. I couldn’t help it and now the jonesing begins. The wait until week six is going to be an itchy one.

The series begins with a look back into the life of Johnny Rock. Several recognizable faces have something to say about The Heathens. Johnny certainly lived up to the name of the band and troubled brewed shortly, and I do mean shortly, after the release of their album. Several years later, Johnny is delivered a blow to end all blows. His physical turmoil quickly subsides and you almost think that he’s ashamed of himself.
Ira (Josh Pais), Johnny’s agent, has some news for him that he doesn’t take very kindly. Even though Ira’s points are valid, Johnny doesn’t want to hear it. I will say that I hope Steve makes an appearance on the show sometime. Seriously, when you learn about Steve you are going to want to meet him.

If you thought Johnny was tough, just wait until you meet Ava (Elaine Hendrix). She is having none of what Ira pitched to Johnny. Nope, it’s not going to happen on her watch. You have to love her for that. Strong women are what this series is all about.
Johnny runs into Gigi (Elizabeth Gillies) again and this time she makes him an offer that he can’t refuse. Johnny needs a little help rebuilding some old bridges, but things start to look up for him. While he’s waiting to talk to Flash, now Lady Gaga’s guitar player, he says what we are all thinking about certain “famous” people.

Once the stage is set, Johnny has very specific rules about how things will be addressed. This is when the show really starts to heat up. Johnny’s former band mates are hysterical. Rehab (John Ales) is endearing. There is just something about Rehab that makes you just want to hug him. Just wait until you really get to experience Rehab in future episodes. Bam Bam (Robert Kelly) is the backbone of group. I will blame him for my recent tater tots craving…um, tater tots. Flash (John Corbett) is just magic. He just owns the room when he walks in. They did a phenomenal job casting this series. Everyone fits perfectly. Just wait until you meet Gigi. Elizabeth Gillies is fantastic and her voice is incredible.
Tonight’s premiere of Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll delivers and it only gets better as the season progresses. The second episode is my favorite. Get ready for a wild ride and some glorious guest stars. You do not want to miss the series premiere of Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll tonight at 10/9c on FX. Steve! Steve! Steve!
Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll airs Thursday nights at 10/9c on FX.