AMERICA’S GOT TALENT Sharon Osbourne Interview
SHARON OSBOURNE spoke with us about being a judge on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT on NBC. She is definitely my favorite judge and obviously, Sharon is not afraid to speak her mind and that is why we all love her. Sharon doesn’t take crap from anyone and she even gave cancer […]
Read MoreExclusive ODDITIES Ryan Matthew Cohn Interview
I spoke with the incredibly brilliant and handsome Ryan Matthew Cohn about Oddities on the Science Channel, articulating skeletons, his store Against Nature, clowns, fashion, jewelry, films and so much more. Ryan is a remarkable individual and I don’t think that I have ever encountered anyone as fascinating as him. […]
Read MoreExclusive THE LEAGUE Jon Lajoie Interview, Taco in THE LEAGUE on FX
I sat down with the incredible JON LAJOIE to discuss his legendary videos, THE LEAGUE, strategically placed socks and so much more. He was one of the sweetest people that I have ever met and Taco is my favorite character in THE LEAGUE so it was a treat to get […]
Read MoreJon Lajoie Live May 19, 2011 Comix at Foxwoods in Mashantucket, CT
JON LAJOIE, live and exposed in Connecticut! If you enjoyed his Comedy Central Special then be prepared to be gratified beyond belief when you actually see his show in person. I was already a fan and my fan card got hole punched to the next level of membership after seeing […]
Read MoreMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE Ray Romano Interview, Joe Tranelli
MEN OF A CERTAIN AGE PRESS RELEASE: This season, all three men face a number of roadblocks on their continuing journeys through midlife, but they know they can always rely on their friends to see them through. Joe (Ray Romano) is a divorced, slightly neurotic father of two who runs […]
Read MoreFRANKLIN & BASH Breckin Meyer Interview, Jared Franklin
I spoke with the handsome BRECKIN MEYER about FRANKLIN & BASH, a new series premiering on TNT that you have to watch. Breckin plays Jared Franklin and it was a pleasure to speak with him about his love of the law, the lumberyard, the brilliant lawyer commercials and more. “Freddy’s […]
Read MoreLAW & ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT Kathryn Erbe & Jay O. Sanders Interview
I spoke with KATHRYN ERBE & JAY O. SANDERS about LAW & ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT. It was great to get Kathryn’s thoughts on reprising her role as Eames and some insight into Jay’s character, Captain Hannah, because we don’t really know a lot about him. I am really enjoying this […]
Read MoreFRANKLIN & BASH Mark-Paul Gosselaar Interview, Peter Bash
I spoke with MARK-PAUL GOSSELAAR about his new series, FRANKLIN & BASH, which is premiering on TNT June 1st. It was such an honor to speak with him and I will admit, I’ve had a crush on him since his “Saved by the Bell” days but seriously, who didn’t have […]
JOHN STAMOS and NEAL BAER took the time to chat with us about LAW & ORDER: SVU. John is guest starring as Ken Turner, a reproductive abuser and Neal is the Executive Producer. This seems like a very interesting episode and John promises a surprise ending with tons of blood. […]
I spoke with MARY McCORMACK and FRED WELLER about the new season of IN PLAIN SIGHT that is premiering on USA Network. It is always a pleasure to speak with the spunky duo and if you think they are hilarious as Mary and Marshall just wait until you read the […]
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